
Does being a "true American" mean you can't call the government "asshats"?

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Or can I actually be a true, conservative, patriotic American and still call people who run the government, "asshats"? Also, does supporting the troops mean I have to support the war? I live in Germany and do a lot of work on the Army bases here. The troops want to come home, wouldn't that suggest that supporting the troops also means supporting what THEY want, not just what the government wants? I believe supporting the troops means getting them out of that illegal, immoral, war of greed. Is that wrong?




  1. Whats great about America is that you can critisize the government as much as you want... alot of people won't like you for it but your entitiled for your opinion.

    And yes, you can support the troops without supporting the war, those are 2 diffrent things.

    BTW many troops like myself still support the war

  2. No

  3. Being a true American means you can question the leaders in power if they are not doing a good job, or call them asshats w/e you, but the idea that the media/bush admin pushed there for a while that 'your not an American if you question the war..your dont support the troops if you question the war' IS BS!!!! NOBODY that has ever questioned anything about the president or the war has ever said 'I am against the troops'  WE ALL want the troops to come home safe, some of us just realize that it's time they come home right now!..

  4. No.

    But how can anybody who supports the US Constitution call the war 'illegal?'

  5. hmm americas meant to have freedom of speech right?

    well sounds like theyv been manipulating people who dont support the war into feeling bad that they supposedly arnt supporting the troops... and that goes against freedom of speech

    ur not wrong, i think u couldnt be more right, speak up about ur views!

    the whole weapons of mass distruction stuff turned out to be false so im not sure what the insentive to attack iraq was... its just made everything 100x worse for the innocent people who live there

    any war is wrong, fights between people in high power shouldnt be put in the hands of innocent people, i think they should fight it out themselves instead of mindless killing

  6. When you live in a police state, dissent is patriotic and courageous.

    And the government, particularly the National Command Authority, are the very definition of asshats.

  7. Did a Republican tell you that you were unpatriotic for calling the government "asshats"? Because we all know, from years of experience, if the Republicans called you unpatriotic for something that means it must be true and you must have blind obedience and take that comment back. They are the patriot police, after all. Make sure when you apologize you are wearing your American flag shirt, pants and pin, so you seem more patriotic. Ok?

  8. No, actually quite the contrary your rights as an American citizen allows you to call whoever whatever you want.  It is called freedom of speech.  More citizens need to have an active roll and call things as they see them..there is no law against that.  As for the war, I believe that you wanting the war to be over means that you are against things that can harm Americans, and in this instance you are against the war.  Sound thinkers think alike this war has run its course.  Many will argue that if we pull out now it will be a sign of retreat or giving up.  We would be putting our soldiers honor at risk due to not finishing what we started.  Those that have died, would have fought in a war that we lost.  All good sound arguments.

    Those people have to ask themselves when is enough enough.  The President is trying to escalate things prior to his departure..why does he think that this will promote a republican back in the White house.  We all know the answer to that.  What you say and believe carry pride, morality, character, courage and patriotism.  No one can accuse you of not supporting our troops by what you have said.

  9. Except for the war being legal and moral, you almost had me agreeing with you.

  10. True American patriots have always called their politicians horrible names throughout our history.  Part of our wonderful system of checks and balances is that we have two political parties which continuously seek to undermine each other.  The government operates under a continuous system of gridlock, and therefore, the people enjoy freedom from totalitarianism.  

    I was also against the war in Iraq because I believe it would do more harm than good.  However, once America did occupy Iraq, America then because responsible for the welfare of the Iraqi people.  If they were to leave before the Iraqi government could control things then a civil war would errupt with great loss of life.  So I believe that supporting our troops means more than just getting our troops out safely.  It means doing what we can to see that the American troops have what they need, so that, when they leave, the Iraqi people have safe, democratic county in which to live.

    American troops want to come home.  True.  This is normal for all our troops stationed anywhere in the world.  But they also understand that if they are performing a valuable job, and that only they can do it.

    I would hope that the Iraqi government should eliminate corruption, and work together to bring stability and justice.  Then I would like to see all the American troops come home.  I believe this is possible.. not in a hundred years, but within 2-4 years.

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