
Does being a young mom make you irresponsible?

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my friend is about 2 months from having a baby and she is in a very happy and stable relationship. she is 17 years old and has been with her boyfriend for about 4 years. they are very happy but everyone else says their stupid, or they just ruined their lives and their way too immature. i mean i know their young but their some of the most responsible people ive met. i mean i have seen some parents that are 30 years old and are some of the worst parents ever. i really agree though that they should've waited until they were done with their studies but i don't think their stupid or irresponsible. do u guys think that if you have a kid at an age like 17 makes you an irresponsible person?? thanks guys.




  1. It depends on how she is as a mother. Yes, having s*x underage in the first place was very irresponsible. But she might be able to earn back some respect if she buckles down, goes to college, and actually gets a decent job.

  2. it doesn't make you irresponsible if you're a good parent.

    infact, if you're a good parent at age 17, i'd say you're actually very responsible.

  3. if anything its being responsible.

  4. what a chance to become responsible.  taking on the care and love of another human being.  this couple must be responsible to one another to have had a relationship that has lasted for 4 years... to expand their relationship to include another being is a natural step in the evolution of a family....  i hope that their commitments to one another and to a child will include marriage and religious affiliations to prove their bond in legality and into the future.

  5. No way, people say those things just because they aren't on the same level in life.  They are not responsible enough to care for a child.  Anyone can be a responsible and great parent, most choose not to, its just a million times harder when your younger.  I wish the best of luck to your friend!!

  6. I guess it all depends on how you look at things. it doesn't necessarily make you irresponsible. that's just what our country is raised to think. becoming parents at a young age doesn't always ruin your lives- they're just choosing a different lifestyle than the so-called 'normal' lifestyle. (or what we're made to think is normal.) not everyone has to conform to what the media and government considers normal.

    on the other hand, sometimes it means you're irresponsible. if they had no plan for their and their baby's life, and they were on the verge of breaking up, then yes it was irresponsible. but it seems as though they're just living the different lifestyle. so I think in their case, they're not irresponsible.

  7. well if she didnt plan the baby and its future then it would be Very irresposible because its a whole other human life we're talking about.

    At 17 you're not even an adult, so though you may seem/feel happy, you're not fully developed yourself- physically, emotionally,mentally. What kind of emotional stability will you give the kid?Besides that have they thought about the finances?

    Other than that, i think such a situation may make a person more responsible.

    But in the end there are some people who are irresponsible no matter what the age or circumstance and vice versa.

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