
Does being an American cause some people to have an altered perception of reality?

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Do you think it is too much for some people to be an American?

Are some people in a such a state of euphoria that they are never sad? In such a way that even if they appear sad they are only sad because they can't understand why everyone isn't as happy?




  1. You have to keep in mind that reality is all subjective...what is real for you may or may not be reality for someone else.  In that way, Americans, as a group will have a different reality than someone from Tanzania.  As for who sees the real reality...we all have our own.


  3. I think being an American in general makes you unaware of the reality of life. We see everything through filtered media and politically correct speeches. When in reality everything is bias. The rest of the world is a very different place where people don't hold your hand and blow sunshine up your ***.

  4. In terms of happiness:  Americans sort of view it as a duty to pursue happiness or at the very least, act happy.

    We also are definately sheltered from the rest of the world.  I don't know how we got this way.  Because we're so big and defended by seas?  Canada would never attack us and Mexico relies on us.  Is it because we're spoon fed from birth that we are the best nation on earth?  I don't know.  Either way it only hinders us.  Ignorance is bliss, they say.

  5. I assume that by "American" you mean a citizen of the United States, that country in the middle of North America.

    Your nationality does not necessarily change the way you think. However, US citizens seem to have areputation for being hardly aware that the world outside the US exists. This may have something to do with the mainstream media in that country.

    I think this ethnocentricity exists in most countries to be honest, but there could be an even greater bias in the US.

  6. Being an American does cause some people to have an altered perception of reality though not in the manner of a state of euphoria. American's simply have a certain sense of "our way or the highway" for the most part with a complete lack of comprehension as to why so many nations act in the manner in which they do. Deep seated religious based hatred is an odd concept for most American's to fathom as are numerous outright government kickbacks, ingrained corruption, and lack of a just system of rule of law.


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