
Does being an irregular student suck?

by  |  earlier

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In college, I mean....




  1. No, you get to adjust your classes, work your own schedule. It's good.

    Well, unless all you do is to party and leech off your parents ... in which case you will be an irregular student perpetually and that is not good.

  2. Nope.. Because you would actually have a choice on what classes you wanted to take depending on your schedule and according to your course requirements and you do not need to be a part of the block group.. Also, you would have the choice of taking the right amount of load you think you could handle instead of being forced to take multiple classes..

    Just look at it in another perspective.... If you are worried that your friends will leave you behind as far as studies are concerned, then stop worrying because your in college now so you can just take the classes you are missing later on.. Meanwhile, you can just take other classes you are qualified for so that you don't have to take those later..

  3. yeah it does, according to some people I know. Just do things one at a time if you can.

  4. nope not at all. i became an irregular student on my 3rd year when i shifted from one course to the other. and it wasn't so bad. i guess it all depends on the class you end up with. so the pros are: get to choose your own schedule

    2. you get to meet more people. and the irregulars in the class tend to flock together.

    3. if you're a loner, it'll be more fun because they'll tend to leave you alone. at first.

    4. if you have to go back on the minor subjects, those in the block section will be younger and they may look up to you because you've been in college "longer". hehehe.

    5. you don't have to be attached to your classmates because they'll be your classmates for only 1 term, thus less intriga.

    6. getting out of your comfort zone. i mean, yah it's difficult, but ultimately you'll benefit from it.

    7. becoming independent. you'll learn to rely on your own resources.

    cons are:

    1. if you're not quick and early enough for enrollment you can end up with a sucky schedule.

    2. if you're the only irregular in the room most groups would like to have an extra group mate. but then if you get stuck with a crappy group then you might end up with having most of the work load.

    3. getting out of your comfort zone. you either rise to the challenge or you don't.

  5. I'm currently an irregular college student and yes, it's hard being one. why?

    1. you do everything on your own, no class president to rely on

    2. you are forced to be friendly because you have 400 classmates in different year levels in different block sections, remembering their names is not mandatory though

    3. you are a loner often times, you eat alone, do research alone

    4. when they do grouping, they treat you like you are an outcast

    5. sadly, your batchmates have graduated and there you are still in the university extending your stay. well yeah, for me, i just think of myself as if i'm taking my masters. LOL

    6. and the list goes on

    Some professors look down on irregular students thinking that laziness or stupidity made them irregs. Just don't mind them.

  6. of course not... much enjoy than being in block section.. its an opportunity to meet diff people make more friends.. and above all having the time you wanted.

    recommended mostly for working students..

  7. YES, especially during your final year because of those "back subjects"

    But it's part of the the college life

  8. it has ups and downs

    you gain more friends and 'connections' :) but sometimes it's hard to look for a groupmate when there are projects

    you get to choose your schedule but badluck if the sched you want is not available

  9. I have no idea. I've never been an irregular student because I don't like to waste time.

  10. i graduated maintaining it to a block section but some of my friends who are irregular are always complaining about having a hard time getting their desired schedule for a certain subject...

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