
Does being chubby ruin my chances of meeting anyone?

by  |  earlier

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I just wanted to know, as I am chubby, and was worried if that special someone guy or a girl (I am bi, male, 15) will never come into my life. I'm not like morbidly obese or anything, but still, it annoys me how everyone seems to only care about looks, I believe that if thats what only they look for, then they can't be a good mate. I mean sure, looks help and all, and I don't think I am that ugly, but my body isn't that good, but I still think that it shouldn't be the basis on a relationship. What do you all think?




  1. In school, yeah most of the relationships are based on looks, and what their friends will think of them dating you. Not all are like that though. So good luck finding one.

  2. Yes, it ruins your chances, unless you like chub chasers.  

  3. dude, email me im 15 bi and i love chubby guys

  4. I've seen some relationships with a chubby person and a skinny one..

    Honestly, from what I've seen, this is how it goes most of the time...

    If your personality and charm can outshine your physical attributes, you'll be just as well off as any "hottie" [or even better perhaps].

    Good luck ^^

  5. I once purposely gained 15 pounds b/c i was sick of guys who just seemed like they cared so much about looks. of course eating 3 donuts a day wasn't torture :)

    But then i realized that when i was lighter, i had more to choose from. I felt better about myself and it showed in my actions. I was less self conscious and was able to be the funny/nice/adventurous person i really am. Being a little chubbier made me not want to go out as much, and made me feel uncomfortable in my clothes.

    Anyways, i am now trying to lose the weight, b/c i realized that it did bug me, and if i had thought about it that much, it was affecting my life more than i wanted it to.  

    I'm not at all saying you should lose weight, but maybe have a more healthier outlook and accept that you are you, OR if you think you are not what you want to be, then try a little to get more fit.

    Good luck!

  6. Honestly, yea i think it does.....but it's not something you can't fix...just start running daily. Plus you'll be helping yourself long term with a rewarding good health...

  7. well u cant be desperate or no one will like u, if u want girls to like u, u cant like guys, girls dont wanna date other girl, girls wanna date aman

  8. I personally care way more about the inside of a person than their exterior appearence.  Don't get me wrong I do also consider a persons looks.  If you have an all-star personality, with bench warming looks you're not getting put in my game.  But good or great personality in my opinion and you are no runway model, it's no problem in my mind.  I'll still get with you and enjoy being with you even if you are only good looking in my eyes and funny looking to everyone else.  I'm gonna team up with you and I am gonna stay with you till the end.  To me what's inside of a person is far more important than what's on the surface.  Personality all the way!!!!!!

  9. Well I have seen this one couple at the club and some g*y hang out places in my city and the one is overweight and the other is really cute.  He even complimented my hair once.  I don't think it is that much of a worse chance for you.  Same as if you were straight.  But i will say some g*y guys are a lot more judgemental.


  10. You got it so right, my friend!  

    Just be yourself and some will love you for who you are!  My partner heard all the bad comments on pics he posted, it really shot his self-esteem to h*ll.  He thought he would never find anyone to love him, since he is overweight, and so am I.  But here we are!  We have been together for all most a year and a half!  Unfortunately the g*y community is full of shallow and superficial guys.  They are only after looks.  But they do not realize that looks change and fade, then when they get old, then what?

    You sound like a great guy, I am sure you will make someone a very nice BF.  Good Luck!


  11. if that was true, then most of the people in the US wouldn't be in relationships.  There is someone for everyone.  And when you do they won't care what you look like.  It helps to be neat and clean and care about your appearance, but don't beat yourself up for carrying some extra pounds.  But as a 46 year old that has always had weight issues, i highly encourage you to find something that you enjoy doing that gives you daily exercise, fight it while you're young.  it only gets harder as you get older.  

  12. someone being overweight isn't attractive, and is usually a sign that that person doesn't take good care of themselves. i'm extremely health-conscious, so doesn't flow well with me. it's not because you're "just" overweight. and hey, if it bothers you so much, why don't you try and lose some weight?  i disagree that everyone only focuses on looks. it might seem like everyone does, but i assure you that's not the case. ;) if you're talking about relationships in school, then those are usually pretty shallow.

    there has to be some sort of physical attraction for me to start a relationship, but personality, and trust are what is going to make a relationship last. if i really liked your personality/humor/whatever, i'd be willing to look past you being overweight and go out with you. i wouldn't worry so much about finding a mate right now, just enjoy the time left you have of your childhood.

  13. Well yes and no. I am a bit chubby, but my baby love me for who I am. So if someone out there that like you for who you are, that's what matters.

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