
Does being closer make your relationship better?

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me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 11 months and live about 40 minutes away and only see each other like twice a week, maybe three times. but we're a perfect couple and never been happier.

in about ten days i'm moving two streets away from him, and i can see only two possible outcomes that can happen.. we even become more better or it separates us..

i'm kinda worried it may make us become just a lot friendlier and less boyfriend girlfriend type or just get us sick of one another.. do you think being closer and seeing each other a lot more would make a couple better or worse?




  1. Some better and some worse,there is one thing for sure you get to see all sides of him.

  2. sometimes it does and sometimes it only makes it worse. if you start to fight then your spending way to much time together and then if things go well that is great! at first it will be great and then it gets harder jut means you just have to work harder at something you want to keep. keep your chin up  

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