
Does being depressed prevent u to get pregnant?

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Does being depressed prevent u to get pregnant?




  1. Yes it is possible, when I stopped being depressed about not getting pregnant when I was trying, I gave up, and fell pregnant with my son.

  2. UG, stupid IE randomly closed on me *twice* while trying to answer this question!

    yes, I believe it does.

    after I started taking vitex last month, I've been so happy and content and I've weaned myself off of my anti-depressants (not on purpose).  since vitex will help your body raise progesterone levels, and low progesterone causes low serotonin, and since I've gotten so much better after being on it, I'm willing to bet that's what was causing my problems.  also, low progesterone means you can't get pregnant.

    I have an appointment with my prescribing dr. next week so I'll ask him about it.  it'll be interesting since he's in his mid-80s and slightly deaf.  I don't want to go back on the celexa though since it seems to be like a too small bandaid that isn't quite doing what it's supposed to.

  3. being stressed can cause you to not ovulate ontime or sometimes not at all for that cycle so in turn you cant usually get pregnant unless you ovulate so yes being depressed and stressed can cause you to not be able to get pregnant.  

  4. Being depressed often leaves us thinking too much and just stressing over stuff. It may not prevent you entirely to get pregnant but it will lower down your chances. Our bodies react better when we're relax and when we feel pressured or depressed, they feel exhausted and not into the groove of things.

    Just relax and take your time. Go out with your partner, friends and/or family to help you take your time off. Being relax would help you in trying to get pregnant.

  5. No that has nothing to do with it.

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