
Does being induced always work or is there more of a chance of getting a c-section anyways???

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I maybe getting induced due to me having gallstones and a poor working gallbladder causing my liver to have a back up of bile which leads to a condition called cholestasis and can cause still birth........

17 and 34 weeks with 1st baby! Its a boy!




  1. Being induced has a very very high rate of c section. It usually doesnt work because you are induced before your body is ready to do it naturally. I was induced. Ended up with a c section at 38w

  2. if your body is not ready for labor there is a very very high chance of needing a csection.

    just fyi that you may want to discuss with your doc, The current/newest studies on cholestasis is that the risk of still birth and other pregnancy complications are NOT any higher than the general popluation if it is being treated. Untreated has a slightly higher risk.

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