
Does being naked bother you?

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Why is nakedness such a big deal? I don't get it. And why are bras and underwear any different than a bikini?




  1. no, not at all, but the neighbors hate it.

    thats why they need heavier curtains.



  2. You own your body (or if you're married you and your spouse)--you can be naked together--as long as you don't expose yourselves to others that might find it very offensive. Public nudity is not permissible.

  3. I save my nakedness for inside my own house.  Even at the doctor, I wear some covering.  I have cleaned my house in the nude, walked around barefoot all the time and slept in the nude.  I don't do any of those things now because of the set-up of our current house.  

    Bras and panties are considered to be underwear (unmentionables) for wearing under clothing, shown only to the most intimate of people - husband, wife.

    Bikini bras and bottoms are designed to be worn out in public.  They caused a huge uproar when they first came out.  Some women still won't wear a bikini.  They may show even more than a regular bra and panties, but this is a convention and they don't have to be logical.

    Why do men wear ties?  All they are is a strip of cloth which chokes the neck.  Why to men go to formal parties in a tuxedo jacket and pants and white shirt while the women wear skimpy dresses?  I've seen women outside at these events when the weather was 65 degrees just shivering away, sometimes with a man's jacket over their shoulders.

    It's just the fashion of the period.

  4. i feel free when being naked, not that id really do it with anyone else around, except for a boyfriend... =P and skinny dipping is the best way to swim!!! but i agree with the bikini/underwear thing.... its so "wrong" and shunned to show a bra and underwear in public, but a lot of the time your underwear covers more than a bikini does anyways.... people in this world just need to relax and enjoy life, i think the world would be a way better place....

  5. when adam and eve ate from the tree, God gave us shame and modesty. We as a society get embarased.

    I also question how underwear and bikini are different. I aslo dont get why guys can run around shirtless but girls cant go around public in a bra...even a sports bra

  6. I'm comfortable with my own body, I like to look at myself naked everyday.

  7. Only if I am out in public.  As Mark Twain said:  Clothes make the man, naked people have little or no influence in society.

    My naughty bits are just as photogenic as anyone else's I think, maybe more so.  They are okay as naughty bits go, but it is not the part of my anatomy I am most proud of.

  8. It doesn't bother me. I spend most of my time at home naked if i'm alone. It's more comfortable that way.

    However our society doesn't really accept public nudity. Just because that's the way most of our minds have been molded, over time.

  9. Naked not such a big deal.  Society has made is a big deal.  But when folks are horny, I could see productivity in the workplace dropping and students being mildly distracted in school.

    Nudists are interesting.

  10. Nakedness is a big deal thanks to the Puritan modesty that most of us have been raised under.  Somebody, somewhere started preaching that you should only be naked for bathing and s*x and somehow it stuck. Since there has always been a religious dominance in the country, that sense of morality has never gone away.

  11. Bras and underwear aren't any different than a bikini. Some women are just not very modest and leave nothing to the imagination. I think being naked is a beautiful thing. Although I am only naked alone or with my husband. You should only allow your most natural and beautiful self to be enjoyed by those who deserve it!

  12. no not at all

    but clothing is rather annoying

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