
Does being on an outside track effect your time?

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Clearly it's hot and my dad said sometimes it's not measured exactly correct.

My time for the 800m on an indoor track is 2 minutes and 55 seconds. But I went on an outdoor track by myself I got a time of 3 minutes and 20 seconds..

I had no competetion so there was no one to push me but do you think it also has to do with the heat?




  1. deffenetly. If you dont drink alot of water it makes it worse too. Also, you just race better if you are in a race mindset, not just on a track alone. If you run in the 1st lane of a 400m track and start and stop in the same place and run for 2 laps it should be the same distance always, however hand timers are sometimes  off, but this doesn't make a large difference in your time. TRacks with tighter turns might be a little slower too.

  2. well, usually times are usually faster when running outside, but seeing as you didn't have any competition i do not think that you were running as fast as you could have.

  3. no

  4. i think it's because you had no competition.  people's times are generally faster running outdoors.  wind and heat can be factors but it wouldn't affect your time that drastically.

  5. I'll tell you.  It's all mental. When you're outside, the track is a pert of the Earth.  Because of the vastness of the area(in your mind), you may subconciously assume you won't do well.  Heat is a factor, but it can work either way for some people.

  6. It is easier to run outdoors because the track is much larger.

    The turns have a longer radius so you can run faster easier.

    Running 25 seconds slower means you did not run to your ability.

    Whether it was because you were by yourself or did not feel well due to the heat I don't know.

    Running is mostly mental.

    You need to learn to run your own pace so you are not influenced by others during a race.

    The 800 is a difficult race and knowing  your race pace is very important because if you go out too fast or too slow you are going to have a bad race.

  7. maybe. it depends how hot it was. but most likely it was that there was no competition

  8. One thing I noticed is that when running outside, there is wind.  If the wind is blowing in your favor, your time is faster (but it doesn't really matter in a competition because the other runners have the same advantage).  If the wind is blowing against you, your time will be slower (but again it won't matter because the other people's times will be slower too).

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