
Does being psychic help with...?

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Hey, so my whole mothers side of the family including my brother and I are psychic. Im saying this in a way that we see ghosts, sense them when they are around, can mostly all the time know what people's feelings are towards you or others without talking to them, stuff like that. My question is, does being psychic help with trying out telekinesis and making psiballs? Thanks for any help. I just want to see if it will be faster for my brother and i to develope these skills. Skeptics...dont spam, if you have something to say go on but don't be stupid about it.




  1. The only information out there about the relationship between the ability to see ghosts and empathy to the ability to do telekinesis or create "psi balls" is purely anecdotal in nature. In other words, it's personal stories of unknown authenticity or veracity. So, you're likely to get some pretty different answers about how these things relate and none of them are more right or wrong than the others.

    That's the nature of pseudoscience, I'm afraid. There's no theoretical foundation or standard by which ideas can be evaluated.

  2. Sounds like you've invented a nice little magical bubble.  If psychic powers and ghosts can exist in it, then why not PK and psi balls?  While you're at it, why not imagine some marshmallow chairs and lollypop lanterns?

    In other words, nothing you have mentioned--psychic abilities, ghosts, psi balls, PK--has been shown to exist.  If you truly believe they do, this is a personal decision and they only exist for you in your imagination.  Because it's in your imagination, why not have fun with it?

  3. Some research suggest that ESP and PK are positively correlated in males and negatively correlated in females.

    This issue has been studied in a scientific manner by parapsychologist. (links below).

    Telekinesis is now called psychokinesis (PK) in the scientific research literature. Macro (easily observed) PK might have been demonstrated by Nina Kulgina (link below) but is it VERY rare. Such concepts as psiballs have zero (as far as I know) evidence from scientific experiments.

    However, effects on thrown dice and random number generators (objects still in motion) have been shown in scientific experiments. I suggest you read the actual research before attempting any efforts at psychokinesis (links below)


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