
Does being shot with a paint gun hurt? how about bbs?

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Does being shot with a paint gun hurt? how about bbs?




  1. nah it doesnt hurt at all, its just like stabing a tack into your arm, or being stung by a wasp. Is this a joke? bb guns are designed to kill small animals like squirrels. paint guns are more forgiving. Some common air guns like the Gamo Hunter can produce about a third the power of a 22 rifle. paint balls are bigger, heavier, slower and not as powerful. a lot of bb handguns that are the common less powerful versions will mearly break the skin and possably get stuck if its an area not covered by clothing.

  2. Yes.


  3. Absolutely, unless you can't feel pain.*

  4. I would say Paint balls hurt just enough to make the game fun because you really don't want to get hit.

    BB's can break the skin I would shoot those at people.

    I don't know about the airsoft ones too much but I wouldn't run scared if some airsofter drew down on me and started shooting those little white plastic things.

  5. Take two fingers and smack yourself in the forearm, that is what a paintball feels like

  6. it hurts quite bad and will leave you ruises welt and break the skin and cause bleeding sometimes unless you wear the protective armor. BB's hurt a lot more and will almost always puncture the skin or at least break the skin. Back when all our parents were kids they shot each other with bb guns because they didnt know any better and it was fun. I still do that because I got bored of airsoft guns.

  7. (Q1. does being shot with a paint gun hurt?


    (Q2. how about bbs?


    Being hit with any projectile moving at several hundred feet per second is going to hurt to varying degrees.

  8. Yes a BB hurts

    I have one in my neck that is too close to the jugular to be removed from being shot when I was a kid.

    And it came out of a cheap daisy spring loaded BB gun

  9. I was caught not wearing a cup, but I wore 2 pairs of jeans I got hit in the peanuts and twice on the way there so I had two huge bruises, about twice the size of the paintball and the pain was excrutiating. I still played the next game though

  10. Paintball guns hurt but not to the point of unbearable pain. typically when playing paintball you do not get hit at very close ranges. but a BB hurts but a BB really depends on what type of gun it is shot out of. I have been shot by a gun that pierced the skin and i have also been shot where it didn't hurt bad at all. but if you can avoid being shot that would probably be the best thing for you!

  11. YES!

    being shot with a paintball gun hurts really bad.

    especially frozen paintballs

    and the toy/plastic bb guns hurt too

    especially up close

    my mom and dad had a store and i had bb gun wars with all the boys that came in even though i am a girl

    i got shot in the eye/close to the eye

    from far away

    if he was close it would have hurt worse

    i cried and he apoligized for ever......

  12. it stings pretty bad and can leave welts or bruises

  13. god yes ive been shot by paintballs on many occasions and the pain is quite bad if u get hit anywere tender (inner leg, arms, lower back, ribs etc.)

    as for BBs it depends were but yes they do hurt a bit

  14. Both Hurt like h**l

  15. I've been shot with both. A paintball will break the skin at 7yards and  stings profusely. What's worse is they leave a mark that resembles ring-worm.

    BB's have never drawn blood but still let you know they've been there.

    Don't forget: either can cause permanent blindness in an exposed eye, so keep those masks on.

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