
Does being strange differentiate you from the rest of humanity? And do you really quite like that fact?

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Does being strange differentiate you from the rest of humanity? And do you really quite like that fact?




  1. It differentiates you from the rest of humanity obviously, but i like it that way. One of my favourite quotes is ' What is strange, is wonderful'.

    That sums it up pretty good i think.

  2. Definition of "Strange"

    being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or even a bit weird; "a strange exaltation that was indefinable"

    I am definitely out of the ordinary and sometimes unexpected but I'm not odd or weird. I don't think that I am that different from anyone else its just that I tend to voice my opinions (which can sometimes be extreme)  more than alot of people I know.

    Do I like the fact? I would rather be 'me' than pretend to be someone I am not, so yes I do.

  3. "strange" is thrown about so much it can mean anything

    I like strange people

    Not Psychopathic or dangerously weird

    just a little eccentric.... like my self!!

  4. Being strange does differentiate you from the rest of humaity and that can feel pretty good but it can make life kinda lonely sometimes :/

  5. Like it or not,I gotta roll with what I've been dealt.

  6. With all of the "statements" out there, strange is the new normal. So, no, it doesn't separate me from other people.

    If it did, though, I would be completely fine with it. =)

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