
Does being the governor of Alaska make you fit for presidency?

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I would like to know if everyone is going to buy into this whole John McCain, and Sarah Palin bit. OR at least vote for Obama just because it's not Bush.

Vote NOW! For my Sake.

I have faith in you guys.

We've got a chance, unless the election is rigged.

VOTE A: If you plan to vote for McCain, and Palin, NOT because of "Sarah", but because you already planned on McCain.

VOTE B: If the fact that McCain Picked Palin is why you are going to vote for them.

VOTE C: If you are planning on voting for Obama, and was planning on it before the democratic convention.

VOTE D: If Joe Biden (sp?) is why you are voting for Obama.

VOTE E: If you don't plan on voting for either!




  1. No it does not.  I'll take option C.

  2. I guess so...she can kill a bear? She also believes global warming wasn't caused by man, and she opposes teaching sexual education in schools. WTF...

    I'll take C, please.

  3. if i could vote it would be c!


    obama/biden 08!

  4. Is everyone really so incredibly dense that they don't realize the responsibility that a governor of a state has? Not that I've ever been one but by simple observation of it, I can tell that it's no picnic. You have plenty of work to do in leading a state and making the main decisions for it. Palin has experience as a leader, just as Biden does. Maybe it isn't the same but they have both been in a position of leadership.

    It just isn't fair to ridicule her. She sounds like a very intelligent person and she does have the right kind of experience to be a wise VP choice.

    My vote?  A.

    (Way to put quotation marks around the name Sarah. If only I could figure out why that was necessary...)

  5. A

    And as far as your initial question, Ms Palin is the GOVERNOR of Alaska and had city council experience prior... Barack has literally ONE bill under his belt and is a SENATOR... sorry, but she is probably 25-50% more qualified than Barack and she is the VP choice, not the Presidential nominee.

  6. C

    but sadly I can't vote. I'm 16. :( Oh, well. For Obama's second term.

  7. If this were Lion King, McCain would be Scar, because of his dignified but aged frame.

  8. sounds good to me. she is for reform of congress and that is a big deal. the corruption is awesome.

    i have great hopes for this sarah palin candidate. mccain was wise.

  9. Does being the Governor of Texas make one fit for the Presidency?

    I pick C.

  10. it makes you substantially more fit to be President that being a 1st term Senator who never bothers to vote or show up for his job.

    And E

  11. C

  12. B

  13. E

    Bob Barr 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. B.

    Picking Palin shows McCain's good judgment. IMHO, if he continues making decisions like this, then he will make a fine president. Sarah Palin is someone that every American can relate to. She reminds me of the politics of America from a long time ago, where the people would be in charge, not the politicians. She has a clear sense of right and wrong and she lives her life according to those principles. This sense of judgment which is absolutely absent from almost every single American politician today qualifies her enough to be president. She is a shining example of morality to all American people and is a similar example of the American dream.

  15. It makes you at least as fit as being in the Illinois State Legislature... or, IMO, more fit.

    Oh, and A.

  16. Governor of Alaska is good preparation for running a moderately sized city.  The United States is not a moderately sized city.

  17. A.  McCain has experience and the right plan for America, Obama doesn't.  The VP really doesn't matter... When was the last time any VP made any policy decision?  Never.  (By the way, even Gov. Palin has more experience than Obama at running a government.)

  18. a is for apple.

  19. If Palin is so pro-life why does she leave rearing her children to others ?

    How many Women would love to have the luxury of being a stay at home Mom.


  20. Far more than being a senator for 6 months and campaigning for president the rest of the time.

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