
Does believing in god.....?

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Make you feel better about who you are?

Being an atheist, I can say ( not that it probably has anything to do with being an atheist ) I like myself just fine, I don't feel the need to think a god loves me and looks out for me. What about you?




  1. i agree. it seems alot of religious people have fear and doubt.

    once i accepted i was atheist i felt total liberation.

  2. The only time I ever hear of people REALLY thinking about God is when things are going wrong...I mean REALLY wrong....including myself. That in itself leads me to believe that if we're fine just existing, without any thought of why we're here..then the human ego is bigger than the universe itself! LOL! But yeah, I definitely can go ahead with my life and never give it another thought, but I choose not to because the effort I put into appreciating anything has to go somewhere, and I call it God.  

  3. It depends, some people are emotionally attached to an imaginary creation, like an infant to it's mother.

    Some people have grown past that stage and realized that dieties are as real as the monsters under the bed.

  4. I've always felt better as an atheist. I am lucky enough to have been an atheist all of my life. I know many downright miserable believers.

  5. You don't seem like you like yourself very much.  You make a point of putting others in a negative light while glorifying yourself.

    Not quite the marker of a healthy self-esteem.

    edit: you're not as crafty as you think you are.

  6. No, I am who I am. It does make me happy I'm not like you though.

  7. Yes.


    Because God does not make junk.  I teach this to my kids.

    No matter what your talents are, what you look like or how smart you are, God made you, and he made you specially for a purpose.

    If anyone makes fun of you, or puts you down, they are putting God down.

    I have to apply that to my own life.  Teachers are not well respected here, and I could easily be something else.  I see what so many others are getting, in terms of respect as well as material things--but I know this is where I am meant to be--and I am at peace with that BECAUSE of God.  Before I was really faithful, I was not really happy being a teacher, because I thought my talents were being wasted. Now, I feel like where I'm at is for a reason and I'm needed here.

    And, if God doesn't make junk, then he didn't s***w up in making me or making me who I am.  He didn't mess up with anyone.

    Now, if people would only listen to Him...  

  8. Before becoming a Christian, I felt pretty much like you do. I was self satisfied and felt that I didn't need anyone or want anyone to try to control my thoughts or actions. I was a world unto myself.I spent more than fifty years satisfying my own ego by doing just about everything there is to do. But all said and done, I felt that I was missing a part of me somewhere along the line. Circumstances put me in a situation where I saw first hand the power of God for those who believed in Him. Even though I doubted much, my own experiences told me that God was indeed a presence. Over a period of years, my hope became faith...and eventually when I chose to accept Christ as my Savior, my faith became knowing.

    Now I gladly and joyfully accept God as my leader and my Lord....and I have never regretted the choice. I have been greatly blessed.

    I don't believe in trying to convince others that Christianity is the light of the world. That (as I also know from experience) has to be a personal choice. I respect your views but deep down inside hope that someday you will find what at this point you don't yet know you are missing.

    Thank you for giving me a moment to remember the days that have passed since my decision.  

  9. Neither better nor worse.

  10. ...i am an atheist, so i cant truly answer this, but i can say it probably would make me feel better if i believed in God...

    to be honest, being an atheist makes me feel bad, like, whats the point in living? im gonna die soon, and theres nothing after that!

    this is why i always try me best to believe in God...But i never fully convince myself to!  

  11. No, it doesn't. Belief would make me dependent and I want my freedom

  12. I believe in God because I have to.  I have no choice,  nothing else makes any sense to me.  I'm uncomfortable about a lot of things in my Christian religion,  but in the words of C. S. Lewis,  "I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen.  Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."-  Is Theology Poetry?

  13. Its hard to say for me....I cant wrap my mind around the concept of no doesnt make me feel better or worse one way or another.

  14. Belief in God has nothing to do with such needs, at least mine is not. My belief in God is based on logical, reasonable, evidence.  

  15. i began to feel better about myself as soon as I realized the whole God thig was putting a burden on me to live as others saw fit. once I  came to the understanding that when I was honest with myself I could reconcile thoughts and actions and humanity ... my life , my thoughts, my actions became something that I could be happy with

  16. Whether or not you believe in God the fact still remains that He is the spiritual Father of all souls. You have two fathers namely: your earthly father and your spiritual Father(God).Note that you are not a human being but a soul clothed in human flesh and that God is your Father and hence the Father of all souls on earth.It is your right to believe or not to believe in God but you cannot deny the fact that He is your Father and indeed the God of all gods and the King of all kings.

  17. I never in my life felt so much love and peace as when I received Jesus into my heart

    It was like a million pounds was lifted off of me

    It is impossible to explain unless you have experienced Jesus coming into your heart

    Jesus gave me blessed Assurance

    That means you feel in your spirit that you absolutely know when you leave this realm that we live in now it is not the end

    The best is yet to come.Jesus said it will be paradise.

    And with all of my heart and soul I believe it will be better than

    anything than us as human beings could ever imagine.

  18. being a Christian i can say i like myself just fine also but i can also say God likes me just fine too therefor i feel a need to tell other biblical spiritual truths they can have and hold on to that make them feel better about themselves also so i get a 3 fold dose of positive self esteem then i can say i truly do feel good about myself and i get to feel good about myself forever

    you being an atheist can you say the same about you

  19. Believing in God does not guarantee that you will feel better about yourself or not. It is not a magic pill like so many people assume.  I can only speak for myself, so I know God doesn't want to pluck me from the trials and tribulations of life.  The Bible provides me with tools on how to deal with life as it is.  I am not deluded, I see life. I see life that most people are not privy to see in the hospital.  God loves those who help themselves.

    If I am happy what does it matter where my happiness stems from. Is the value of my happiness any less.

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