
Does big business really care about protecting the Environment?

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Does big business really care about protecting the Environment?




  1. Yes, because now-a-days a business has to worry about it's image.  People will be pissed off if they find a company needlessly polluting.  Companies spend billions on safety measures and enviromental measures as well.  They pass this cost on right to the consumers.  Refineries in America face so many enviromental regs we have not built a new one in 30 years, as a result we are now not only importing oil but also gasoline.  This new imported gasoline is made in south america and it is made by some of the most polluting refineries in the world.  So by trying so hard to stop pollution we have exported jobs and pollution.  Way to go.

  2. The answer to your question is some do and some don't. In today's world it is hard to get correct information about anything. Do your own research about the subject. I did my research and found oil companies, religious organizations,banks,rail road, are speeding billion's in press to down play the global impact of going our current ways. The bottom line is its all about money and the greediest only care about what they can have now.

  3. I think it would have to be in their best interest i.e.making more money to protect than to destroy the environment.

  4. If It helps them make lots of


  5. If you really think about it. Everything is about money. But I know some companies off hands that really care about the environment. And then their are companies that may not even know how to start being enviro-friendly.

  6. Unfortunately big business doesn't really care about protecting the environment as they are just in it for the money. Even there are certain laws that prevent disruption to the environment, they always find a way to bypass it and continue with their "polluting ways". There are even protocols, such as the Kyoto Protocol, that attempt to prevent big businesses to pollute the environment, however, as said before they find ways to avoid them, sometime even using bribes due to the vast amount of money they possess

  7. Not ready.

    They care more on cost-cutting measures.

    There's far too many polluted rivers and lakes.

  8. Yes, partially -- What you call BB is usually a corporation motivated by profit incentive, so they 'care' only if it impacts their bottom line -- and it seems that lately the folks running the BBs are seeing that it makes a difference.

  9. h**l no they only care about the money b******s that they are

  10. Big business does care.  Every company that invests in using resources more efficiently (i.e. cutting waste) sees the impact in their bottom line.  The business world is made up of rational people who live in the same world as all of us, they don't want to see it trashed any more then we do.  The issue arrises when you look at where the responsiblity lies.  Until now environmental care has been seen as the government's responsibility, but it's worth noting that a coalition of Fortune 500 business leaders has actually gone to the federal government and ASKED to have green house gasses regulated.  Companies who seem not to care are simply uneducated and they haven't realized that being "green" isn't just some expensive, profit-destroying PR exercize.  Companies that have made the switch are seeing improved profit margins, happier employees and in some cases market-dominating sales (such as Boeing trouncing Airbus with their airliner equivilant of a Toyota Prius, the 787).  Some billion-dollar plus companies that drank the green Kool-Aid and are thirsty for more:

    GE, Interface Inc, Wal-Mart, HEB, Goldman Sachs, AirTricity, Boeing, Toyota, Honda, Dow Chemical.  

    Even Ford Motor Company.  Most people don't know that Ford was one of the first companies to recycle on an industrial scale.  Their massive factory had an entire wing devoted to "de-manufacturing" Model T cars.  More recently they spent a fortune greening up one of their polluted industrial properties, reducing it's energy use by a wide margin.  They even put a green roof on it.

  11. no, they just want money

  12. Actually, I think there is a small percentage that does.

  13. The answer is YES.. big business does care.  After all big business is made up of individuals like you and me.. who care about their families, their neighbors, their towns, etc.

    Now.. to the extent "big business" seems to care is something else.  

    I feel that they do not go out of their way to destroy the environment.. they simply do not necessarily go out of their way to protect it ...

    Big business cares now (at least in the US) because the laws force minimum standards on them for health and safety, for pollution abatement and for control of wastes, etc.  so they cannot be in business without that..  They simply put those costs into their business model and try to price appropriately. If their competitors do not do comply.. .well they can be at a dis-advantage.

    However, in many ways, the primary way business manages is financial.. so a bean counter (financial guy) says cut costs.. .and some shortsighted managers makes a decision.. which is a mistake on what to cut.. without upper management realizing it ...  They choose not to fund new technology, etc..  

    Now, I think this is fast becoming an outdated thought since many businesses that are industry leaders in protection of the environment are actually making a lot more $$ because they find that being green can be cost effective.

  14. They care about whatever will make them money.  If getting the consumer to think they care about the environment will get them to buy their product, oh and bonus! Pay a premium for it because it's 'environmentally friendly' then they've hit pay dirt!  

    The real bonus?  They actually have to do the research and the product actually has to meet certain standards and be environmentally friendly or someone will call them on it.


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