
Does biology actually play the biggest role in what men and women are attracted to sexually?

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according to my bio notes from last quarter, in general, "studies suggest that male attractiveness hinges on outward signs of maturity, robust health, and, above all, dominance. Most features associated with feminine beauty signal youthfulness and an abundance of female reproductive hormones."

this is definitely not consistent with what you see in everyday life. men really don't care that much about youthful features. guys around my age are always having the hots for women in their 30s and 40s. the only situations where men choose to have s*x with young girls are when that's the only thing availible to them. and according to this, women are supposed to prefer men who are not too old, but at the same time, fully mature men and not teen looking boys. yet when i look at the traits that most women seem to like, it seems like most guys who match that criteria are between 16-21.

so is biology really what determines sexual attraction? or is there something else in play?




  1. Actually no, we don’t. Let's see, biology impulses works on animals, because they behave according their physicals needs, but men and women behave according cultural process... for us, our acts means something, that's why we can spend time without eat on contrary our biological process just to clean our souls, in some religions, for example.

  2. Personally, I think it partially does.  

    My theory:

    Why is fat unattractive?  Because overweight people are typically very unhealthy and thus usually die earlier and therefore are not able to produce as many children.

    Why are large b*****s attractive?  Produce more milk to feed a baby.  

    I really do believe that some things that are attractive for more reasons than just "society trains us to think this way."

  3. Some things might be biological and almost universal, while most other things would come to personal preference based on prior experience, or on social conditioning - you can see that certain "types" come into fashion and then almost everyone seems to like it.

    Other attractions are almost impossible to explain - they just seem to be a quirk, and neither nature nor nurture.

  4. Maybe for SOME people. I like taller men, men that I feel protected by, and I like a healthy dominant streak, if that makes sense.

    But, it doesn't just end there. A click or chemistry has to be there depending on the guy's personality.

  5. no its hormones and personalities....PISCES are born to kiss are all water and firesigns and Taurus!!

  6. Like with animals, there is an instinct to procreate the fittest and best. The man with the biggest muscles may be the strongest, the woman with the curvy hips may be the msot fertile.

    But in this day and age we are interested in relationships, being friends and finding our soulmate.

    If we just went for the guy with the big muscles, we'd be in for a lot of heartache!

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