
Does black hair dye damage hair?

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I've heard that dying hair darker is not harmful, maybe even good for it. I have dark brown hair with a couple brown highlights. My hair is short and kind of damaged from straightening every week but i got it trimmed last month. I want to dye my hair blue black using an over the counter dye. I LOVE my skin complexion with blue-black hair and im tired of using rinses...i want it to be my question is WILL DYING MY HAIR DARKER CAUSE MORE DAMAGE?




  1. I've heard that dying your hair darker does not damage it, im not sure. But i had highlights and my hair lightend over the summer to a strawberry-blonde and so dyed it back to dark brown/black and my hair didnt seem damaged afterwards, and then my highlights faded through so i dyed it again and my hairs fine.

    mine ?;...

  2. Dyeing you hair in any color can damage it if you do it over and over. The color isn't permanent no color but your natural color is permanent (until an age) they will show in the roots soon after so time. I wouldn't dye my hair black because its so dark that it's going to be hard to get a lighter color is you want because the black is so in there.

    To answer your question basically, No other black will not damage your hair. If you mean damage by split ends.

    U may want to get removed of the older highlights because it may turn out a weird color with black/blue color on top of it,

  3. It won't cause anymore damage than any other hair color. But my daughter did this as a teen her hair was dark blonde and it turned her scalp black we used Dawn dishwashing soap and got most of it out and she still had the black that she wanted...

    Good luck

  4. it doesnt damage it, but it will get damaged once you change your mind and want to go light

  5. Does black hair dye damage hair? I sure hope not :O but if you've had highlights, you might want to check with a hairdresser. Blue-black on top of light brown highlights could go a weird grey-ish green colour...

    Also, if it's heat-damaged, dyeing your hair might dry it out a bit. You just need a good intensive conditioner and heat protection spray; I use the Aussie 3 minute miracle, and some coconut-smelling stuff from Avon, but there are loads of brands out there!

    But basically, I've been dyeing my hair black for... yikes, FOUR years... and it's in fairly good condition. You just need to take care of it, same as any dyed, treated hair! :)

  6. any dye is bad for your hair.

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