
Does black tea get toxic if you let it brew too long?

by  |  earlier

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Someone told me this is true--sounds odd.




  1. its gets really bitter!!!!

  2. You are right, it is odd. It does not turn more toxic than it already is. If somebody is allergic to a component of the tea, as I am, the stronger it is, the more toxic to me. But the only effect of brewing time is making a stronger solution.

  3. No, there's no poison in black tea, and no toxins develop when it is brewed for a long time. What usually happens is that the tea gets bitter, because the tea leaves start releasing bitter substances into the water. These substances are not toxic, but most tea lovers prefer the tea without the bitterness.

    Some of the bitterness is due to the caffeine, and tea that has been brewing for a long time have a slightly higher caffeine content that properly brewed teas. Caffeine is not toxic, although it does subtly affect the neural system.

  4. It doesn't get toxic, just stronger, and really strong tea can have a bitterness.

    I love strong tea myself.

  5. no ......  I leave the tea bag in there for hours - the stronger the better!

  6. it doesn't get toxic, just bitter

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