
Does bleeding mean I'm miscarrying?

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My husband and I were trying to conceive. We believed we were successful. I was showing all the signs. The only thing we had not done was take a test. We were gonna wait till my period was missed to take one. Today I started experiencing some heavy cramping and experienced some bleeding. I know that pretty much rules out spotting, however I read some stuff about decidual bleeding. Any insight would be helpfull!




  1. yes u may be miscarring, off to the doctor u go!!

  2. It could be a miscarriage. Many women get pregnant all the time and don't realize it because they miscarry before they even consider themselves being pregnant

  3. Call your local hospital and ask for a nurse and see what she thinks. If it's time for your period, then it may just be one of those mean periods. Also, most people show first signs when they are 4-6 weeks pregnant, some are later on. If it continues to be very painful over the next few days, I'd just make a visit to the doctor.  

  4. It really does take some time before you show signs of having conceived. Most of the early signs are so similar to PMS that it is hard to tell them apart until you miss a period. Since you didn't miss your period and do not have a positive pregnancy test I would say that you were not pregnant. I know when you are trying to conceive it's hard not to get a head of yourself. It is kind of a stressful time and you over analyze everything. I don't think you could know if this is decidual bleeding or not since you never got a positive test. Decidual bleeding is also very rare. But if you are pregnant a test should come back positive at this point. So it can't hurt to go and try one. If it's negative keep trying.

  5. If you never took a test, and its time for your period to start I would think this is just your period coming for the month and you didn't concieve. Sorry better luck next month :)

  6. Sounds like it could be a miscarriage if it is heavier than normal. But can you really trust the signs this early? I am 8 weeks and I barely have any signs. I know when I was ttc I always thought I had all the signs but I was wrong.

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