
Does blood in my urine neccesarily mean i have a urinary track infection? because.....?

by  |  earlier

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a few days ago, i accidently hit the tip of my p***s into a sharp object, but there was no visible injuries, then the next day the bottom of the tip of my p***s started to itch once in a while, and i felt a lil uncomfortable when i took a p**s. then today out of no where when i was taking a p**s blood started to come through my p***s, not execssively but enough to make anyone worried. so what i wanted to know was that was this signs of a urinary tract infection or just due to the injury. should i go c a doctor or let it heal on its own if it is due to the little accident. btw i dont feel pain when i p**s, just little discomfort.




  1. I really do not think it is UTI.  If everything else seems normal--I would wait a few days and see what happens.

  2. urine in the blood is never a good sign, it could be coincidental that this happened after an injury. Or perhaps it is from the injury. But at any rate, it could also be from kidney stones, or a few other things. UTI's (urinary track infections) are normally painfull, so if your not having pain, just minor discomfort! then i doubt that this is a UTI.

  3. You should see the doc just to make sure you dont have an infection, you may even be passing some ash from a kidney stone that would cause blood in the urine.

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