
Does bloody mary work???

by  |  earlier

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I've never tried it. Does it really work?????




  1. Well if you really want to find out why don't you try it? Though i totally wouldn't. Erm, evil!

  2. Yes, After about 5 of them you will believe and see anything you want...

  3. no it is just a myth we tried it nothing happened

  4. No. Bloody Mary was just a queen of England who killed many protestants and got the nickname.

  5. The people who actually saw her are either dead or insane right now, thats what shes supposed to do to you...

  6. Once I went out to my friend's house for a party. She held the party in her backyard so everyone except 2 other people and me were out there.

    The three of us came inside to kind of get away from the noise and one of us us had to pee really bad. So she used the bathroom and when she came out, my other friend, Rachel said that we should try the Bloody Mary thing. The other girl (Lizzie) was up for it, but I was kind of hesitant. They kept begging me to do it and I was just about to do it, but then I remembered all those peer pressure talks we got in school and said NO! Yay me :P

    Anyway, so I waited outside while they went in and suddenly I heard them screaming. I thought they were just trying to scare me, so I didn't do anything.

    Well, they came out and apparently they did the whole thing (spinning and all) but then Lizzie hit the toilet and thought it was Bloody Mary and started freaking out.

    It was SO funny!

  7. it is all in the mind. if you believe it will work, it might. if you don't, it wont.

  8. No, Bloody Mary doesn't work.  She collects unemployment.

  9. No but Typhoid Mary works

  10. No, it doesn't work. Believers say it does, but they want it to work and believe anything in the corners of their eyes are supernatural things.  

  11. that's a big old negative.

    realistically there's no way for it to happen.  just a fable to scare the c**p out of kids.

  12. only if you believe in it!  but otherwise no  

  13. seems like all gals tried it and they are braver than guys lol

    i tried it, nothing appeard though.

  14. nope

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