
Does blu ray's look good in 720p/1080i?

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my tv is 26",is there a significant difference between 1080p/1 on this tv




  1. Yes blu ray is the best hd dvd format as has the largest capacity

    1080 is really mainly for large screens such as 40" its hard to notice a difference on smaller screens

  2. Not a massive difference, although 1080i will look that bit crisper. on 26" you will still get good results even with 720. With 1080 it will look phenomenal. Blu-Ray looks splendid - congrats for buying a blu-ray player.

  3. 1080P is higher quality, and since blu-ray is meant to be played on 1080P, it would be better on P instead of I

  4. any blu ray is going to be better than HDMI anyway so....

  5. "does blu ray's look good in 720p/1080i?"

    Absolutely. Most HD broadcasts are in 720p/1080i.

    "my tv is 26",is there a significant difference between 1080p/1 on this tv?"

    On a 26" TV the difference will barely be noticeable.

  6. 720p and 1080i have better framerates..... i dunno if thts important when watching bluray movies :P

    anyway 1080p is OK ^^

  7. You don't say whether your 26" TV is 1080i or p ... but based on the size it's probably i. In other words it's really a 720p HDTV (since the native display resolution is probably 1280x720 or 1366x768 ... i.e. not at least 1080 pixels vertically). So you are really asking if there is a significant difference between 720p and 1080p. If you sit close enough you might see a bit of detail more from 1080p but really at that size screen the difference is insignificant.

    At 26" and 720p Blu-ray may look a little sharper than upconverted DVDs ... but other than a bit broader colour gamut in Blu-ray the resolution difference will have minimal effect. First 720p vs upconverted 480p is not that significant, and second the small size of the screen would make what difference there is almost, or totally, unnoticeable (depending on your eyesight and where you sit relative to the screen).

    For what it's worth, I see insignificant difference from HD DVD over upconverted DVD onmy 110" screen and 720p projector. In my view any slight difference isn't worth the much higher price of a Blu-ray player or the 2x-3x price of disks (vs previewed DVDs). Personally I wouldn't waste my money on Blu-ray with anything less than a 40" 1080p HDTV ... and probably not even then.

    But don't take my word for it, get a demo of Blu-ray (and a DVD of the same movie) on a 26" 720p HDTV, and judge for yourself.

    Hope this helps.

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