
Does born free bottles help with colic gas and spit up?

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Does born free bottles help with colic gas and spit up?




  1. No.

  2. Try changing the formula to organic formula. I did best thing ever no dha/ara, don't give your baby formula with dha/ara not good. You can by it on the web site click on your state for a store near you:

  3. I have never used those bottles but swear by Dr Brown. We have used them since our little one was 2 weeks old and they are great. They also have a vari flow teat so you don't have to keep buying new ones when your little one feeds faster. They are very good for the colic. We stopped using them for 2 days to see if our daughter was still colicky and she screamed the house down. It made us realize how good they are.  

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