
Does bottled water ever go bad? If it sits out for a while?

by  |  earlier

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I was just wondering.




  1. yes. If you look there is an expiration date. the water becomes 'stale'. not like bread gets hard but ya its wierd.

  2. if you notice, on the bottle theres an expiration date for the water, which is pretty funny since water shouldn't go bad *IF* there isn't anything in the water ;)

  3. As long as it has not been opened, it will be fine.  It would have been bottled in a sterile environment, if you don't open it up to contaminate the water, it will be fine.

  4. no but the chemicals can leak out of the plastic

  5. well it depends. like if you drink out of it and leave it out it does go bad but if you havent opened it the water might go bad, like if it's out in contact with the sun for a very long time the plastic and water will grow bacteria.  if in the cold i do not think water will go bad.

    also the chemicals can leak out the plastic. there IS an expiration on water that is ON the bottle. but if you want no chemicals and longer lasting water get fiji water.

  6. if botteld water is left in the sun to long it turns green

  7. The water itself doesn't go bad ... but the plastic can leak contaminates into the water if it sits in the heat for too long

  8. Nope

  9. Bottled water will go bad, especially if it sits in the sun.  Also, water leaches some of the chemicals from certain water bottles depending upon which number for recycling.  Some of those are very yucky for your body.

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