
Does braces hurt like tightness or pain?

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Do they hurt really bad? Or do they just feel uncomfortable and you have to get use to them?




  1. It kinda depends on the braces, retainers just felt tight & uncomfortable in the beginning for me. However, when I got my train-tracks they hurt quite a bit. I mean it wasn't like killing me, but it did rub quite a lot.

    You get used to it, don't worry.  :)

    Hope that helped.

  2. A couple hours after you get them on they hurt. Not so much of a tightness....more like a throbbing tenderness. You just have to get used to them. I got mine on 3 days ago and they don't hurt anymore. Just take some Ibuprofen. Also, if you feel any wires poking you before you leave, ask if they can cut them, or you'll have holey cheeks!

  3. I had to get them twice and the only time they really hurt was when they would tighten them other than that they weren't that painful just annoying and ugly (at least my thought)

  4. They may be uncomfortable when you get them tighten once every couple of appointments, and in the beginning you might snag them on food or what not, but you just have to get use to them. IT will turn out awesome in the end, just make sure you follow all the directions very carefully!

  5. im going to be honest with you. they do hurt after the first day. i would recommend eating soft food.. after a few days you get used to them, and you dont even notice that they are there! so dont worry, they will hurt a little, but know that the pain will go away soon

  6. I have had braces since year 6 and now I am in year 11 and all I have is one to wear at night time. The truth is that (fixed) braces do make your mouth ache when they are tightened but you get used to it and if you just carry on with things normally then you get used to it much more quickly, which is what I found. It is worth all the aching though that you may get because 4 years work has given me very straight teeth and so you should just persevere and it will be fine, trust me. Your othodontist should give you some wax too to put on you brace if it rubs on your mouth and they show you how to use it, which isn't difficult. So all in all: No they don't hurt really badly, and Yes they do feel uncomftable but you get used to it and so it isn't so bad after the initial few days. Also loads of people have braces now and so they are seen as cool to have so you shouldn't worry what you look like! Hope this helps!

  7. It hurts when they are tightened and when they scrape the glue off of your teeth when they come off. not when they actually come off. after they don't hurt anymore sometimes you don't even know that you have them on.

  8. Braces don't really hurt like pain, but they can be uncomfortable (pressure, etc) until your mouth gets used to having them. Don't worry, this does go away & eventually you'll forget about them (well, sort of..).

    Just remember the wonderful smile that you'lll have when they're removed..that makes the reduced amount of comfort worth it.

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