
Does bradycardia affect the maximum heart rate?

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I'm a 38 year old male and about 4 years ago my normal heart rate was around 62 bpm, and my treadmill stress test yielded 178 max bpm. I wasn't particularly fit at the the time and had (still have) high blood pressure.

Nowaday, I take some Mavik and I exercise (20 miles a week). I noticed that my normal heart rate is much lower, around 47 bpm. But what's worrying is that my max heart rate when running at race tempo is only 166 bpm.

Could this be the result of taking the high blood pressure medication, or spontaneous bradycardia?




  1. 1. I can't say whether you are experiencing spontaneous bradycardia or not, however Mavik treats hypertension by dilating the blood vessels.  Pressure is changed by either controlling the volume or space in the blood vessels.  This "increased space"  reduces the amount of work (after load) the heart has to work against.  This then can reduce the amount of beats it takes for the heart to move the blood through your system.  (It has less resistance.)  This would also be true while you are exercising = lower max HR.  2.  The 20 mi/wk also strengthens your heart muscle allowing it to be more effective when it beats.  It does not need to beat as often to move the same volume.  Hope this explains how things work inside.  If you are concerned about your heart rate your doctor is your best reference.

    Good luck!  

  2. The results (including your lower pulse rate) are perfectly normal, and to be expected.. Mavik reduces the impedance that blood flow round your vascular system encounters, (TPR) and thus, -from the Law of Flow, also reduces the Mean Pressure required to drive it round. The heart therefore needs to beat less fast to generate this pressure.

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