
Does bread have anything to do with animals?

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I really want to be a vegan.

So is there anything that bread has got to do with animals, like milk etc?




  1. has got eggs in it.

    also found out lollies are made with pig hooves (gluten)

  2. My bread recipe uses flour, water, Crisco, sugar, salt, and yeast. There are no eggs or milk in this recipe. You should be good to go. And my wheat bread recipe uses wheat flour, regular flour, water, honey, crisco, and yeast. That recipe does not have any animal products or by-products in it either.

  3. Check ingredients, mono and diglycerides of fatty acids [and all other ingredients which sound like that] are of animal origin.

    All Hovis bread is vegan and also all Co-op bread.

  4. no - bread comes from wheat, which is a crop and not an animal

  5. some bread is made with lard, an animal fat.

  6. Bread is made from wheat. There are different types but, depending on how you make it, or how it's made, it may or may not have milk in it, or butter. You can substitute bread ingredients with other things for vegans. :3

  7. um no but it might depend on the if its cheesy :)

  8. i dont think so. bread is made of natural things. like yeast, flour and maybe wheat. your a good man. animals are made for loving not eating.

  9. Depends on the recipe..... But milk is commonly used in breads & biscuits.  

  10. breads only ingredients are grown in fields so is totally vegan friendly

  11. You are safe buddy :]

  12. No it doesnt, look up the ingredients on bread.  

  13. no, your good!

  14. Read the labels.  No animal ingredients are *required* to make bread, but some have milk, whey, butter, eggs, honey, or dough conditioners like mono- and diglycerides (which can be of animal or plant origins.)  You just need to look until you find a variety that works for you.  If you have a Kroger market, their "private selection" label includes a vegan-friendly whole grain bread (I don't remember which one it is, though.)  Sourdough, french and italian white breads are often animal product free.

  15. Hi, depend on the bread.

    In general you could envision at least some of the following being used in the production of bread:

    1. Milk.

    2. Buttermilk.

    3. Animal fats.

    4. Butter.

    5. Lard.

    6. Eggs.

    If any of the above are not on your list of acceptable ingrediants then avoid bread using them.

    Another thing that would be inappropriate would be cheese and you might find it incorporated into the bread so again research the bread type and ingredients before consumption.

    e.g. Focaccia is a type of bread popular in France and Italy It is usually seasoned with olive oil and herbs, and often either topped with cheese or stuffed with meat or vegetables.

    Good Luck.

  16. you want to be a vegan?? duuuuuuuude nooo don't do it. vegetarian is okay but vegan isn't healthy i strongly reccomend you become a vegetarian if anything. and no bread has flour, grain and water in it, no milk or egg.

  17. It will depend on the type of bread. Some call for not only milk but also eggs.

    If you really want to go extreme, you can rationalize that wheat is a food for animals and eating it wil deprive at least some of them of food. The land in which wheat was grown was once natural habitat for animals and they were removed from this habitat. Many insects and small creatures die during the planting, growing and harvesting of wheat etc etc.  

  18. Breads, while the main ingredient is usually wheat, may contain various ingredients taken from animals: milk, fat, and eggs are prime examples.

  19. Well, what if the bread is prepared by non-vegan people?

    (Just messing with ya.)

  20. if you need to be technical, yeast is an organism that grows with water sugar and warmth.

  21. Most breads are OK, Warbutons rolls aren't though, my very vegan friend gets quite angry at them for that.

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