
Does breaking a nose hurt? And what to do with a pulled calf?

by Guest56835  |  earlier

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Recently I been taking Muay Thai and my instructor has broken his nose like 3 times. I have a pretty large Italian nose and I know that shortly after I start competing, it's going to get broke.

Question is, if I got it broke like in the middle of a round, can I still fight? I heard it was extremely painful and it seems like your vision would get all blurred and stuff.

Secondly, I think I have a pulled calf muscle. It's been hurting alot for the past few days. Whats a good way to treat it?




  1. I've had my nose broken 4 times and yes, it hurts. But less so with each progressive break. Now I can bump into a wall and my nose is broken. If you're going into martial arts than prepare to have your nose broken, and it's going to hurt the first couple times. Your eyes do fill with tears and you can choke on your blood, have you never seen Karate Kid?

  2. I have broken my nose numerous times and it hurts like a *****. But if you are competing and are a pretty tough person you can fight through it. Your vision doesn't get that fuzzy. For the calf I would just stretch it everyday and avoid putting too much pressure on it. Take a few days off. Hope this helps

  3. I had my nose broken once and I would not want it to happen again-it really hurts.


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