
Does broccoli qualify as a "green leafy"?

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Nutritionists tell us we should eat more "green leafy" vegetables. Does this mean only the various lettuce types, spinach, and silverbeet?

Or does broccoli count?

What else counts as a green leafy?




  1. yes

  2. Love broccoli, so I sure hope so :-)

    Cheers :-)

  3. I don't think broccoli per se is considered a green leafy, but by all means continue to eat it!  Don't focus too much on the term "green leafy."  There are many benefits and nutrients in broccoli and other "green" things that are so good for you  lke green beans, zuchinni, cucumbers, brussel sprouts, etc.

    Just aim for a "colorful" diet that includes reds, oranges, yellows, greens and purples!  That way you are making sure that you have a very well balanced diet!

  4. no, some of the easiest leafy greens to get are found in a spring mix salad.  You can find it at the grocery store.  Use this mix instead of iceberg lettuce as it provides lots of essential minerals and B-Vitamins.

  5. Yes, Green Leafy is a broad general term.  Broccoli is a good source of Vit. C and rich in antioxidants.

      Most all vegetables are healthy with many different Vitamins and minerals.

       Did you know that corn is NOT a vegetable and a good source of fungus ?   Potatoes are a tuber and high in carbs.

  6. Almost everyone's answer here is correct, but none of them have actually answered YOUR question:  "Nutritionists tell us we should eat more "green leafy" vegetables. Does this mean only the various lettuce types, spinach, and silverbeet?"  So here goes:  Green leafy vegetables include:  Kale, lacinato, collard greens, all types of cabbage, Brussels' sprouts, bok choy and all Chinese greens related to bok choy, dandelion, mustard greens, turnip greens, watercress, spinach, beet greens, Swiss chard of any color or type, all lettuces, all microgreens including rare ones like mizuna, frisee, mache (Lambs' lettuce), rapini, arugula or roquet, escarole, chicory of any kind including endive and radicchio (which is actually red, not green...), any type of cress, cowslips and any other wild-crafted green you might come across such as plantain, fiddleheads, clovers, dock, etc. etc., etc.  Truly, the term "green leafy vegetable" really speaks for itself and is VERY clear.  

    Broccoli is actually the flower head of the broccoli plant, but because it is green, has leaves attached (which you can eat) and has a nutritional profile much like the other leafy green I've mentioned above, especially those in the Brachonid/Cruciferae family, I think you're okay to call broccoli a "green leafy".  You could perhaps push that to include cauliflowers of all colors, too.

  7. broccoli, like cauliflower, are not exactly leafy vegetables, but they contain vitamins & minerals that's anti-aging, anti-cancer & is good for your brains.

  8. all vegtables are good anything that is not processed is great so yes brocoli is one of those vegtables nutritionalist reccomend....good luck

  9. Broccoli would have to count others would be cabbage,brussel sprouts(yuk) I don't know about  beans and peas though.

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