
Does caffine play a role in those TTC?

by Guest61273  |  earlier

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Should I cut it out of my diet? I usually have one cup of coffee in the morning and once in a while a soda at night.




  1. It shouldn't play a part in delaying your efforts TTC, especially with having a cup of coffee and a soda in a day. People with a much larger intake of caffiene - say five strong coffees in one day may wish to cut this out altogether if they are having trouble TTC.

    - Keep in mind that it can take healthy couples up to year to conceive and still be considered the "norm".

  2. I drank diet coke like the first commenter and didn't have problems getting pregnant either.  after I got pregnant my doctor told me to limit my caffeine though.  I could have one candy bar, one cup of coffee, one can of pop.  didn't matter though since my beloved diet coke suddenly tasted like year old gym socks.  

  3. i too drank diet coke like it was going out of style when we concieved my son!  

  4. I drank Diet Coke like it was water and got pregnant.  I've since quit, but concieving was not an issue for me.  If you are having trouble concieving, you may want to cut it all out and go ahead and start taking prenatal vitamens.

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