
Does calorie really matter for losing weight or the amount of how much u eat?

by Guest65083  |  earlier

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what if you ate one chocolate bar(a normal sized hersheys, lets say for example) only, that contains 3000 kcal for 3 days. will u still gain weight? cause chocolate doesnt get that "big" once it enters your stomach right?




  1. Yes is matters with calories. Calories ar what make up part of the body. They have good calories which is in healthy foods(ie...fruit and veggies) and bad calories(ie...CHOCOLATE, fatty foods, junk food etc) try to stay away from that stuff as much as possible. You will still gain weight, but you might not notice it on a normal scale. you would need a point scale. so if you weighed yourself and it came out to 120.45, then after eating that for 3 days, weigh yourself again and it would probably be 120.98 or 121.21. It all depends. you would need to eat chocolate for about a week straight which is very unhealthy for you anyways and could kill you over time if you kept eating it everyday.

  2. 3,500 calories = a pound

    Every time you gain 3,500 calories you gain a pound!! Chocolate has more calories than most things....

    LOL..I've never looked at it like that "If its small, it wont take to much room in ur stomach." Unfortunately, thats not true :[

  3. Calories is what you need to watch for when losing weight. 50 celery sticks would be better than one brownie, because the total calories are higher for the brownie.

    "3000 kcal for 3 days." Three days? There is no time involved.

    You gain weight when calories consumed is higher than calories burned.

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