
Does car insurance typically cover the car being totaled due to flooding?

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I live in the Midwest, where everything is flooding. My husband just called and said that his car was flooded, and is now not running. Does car insurance typically cover this? I know I'll need to check with our insurance company in the morning, but I'm just curious if that is considered an act of God, therefore covered under a comp. claim. We have full coverage.




  1. Assuming comprehensive coverage, and the damage is proven caused by flooding, yes, insurance will cover.  However, if the car was submerged, it may not be possible to repair it, water gets into the wiring and damage can keep getting worse for many months, and be impossible to stop.  If the seats in the car were submerged, they likely cannot be salvaged.

    You don't need flood insurance on a car.  Comprehensive is "all-risk" coverage, excluding collision and upset, meaning, if any other peril isn't written into the exclusions, it is covered.  In other words, comprehensive auto insurance is exactly what it sounds like — coverage no matter what happens.  The comprehensive policy covers literally the full panoply of potential hazards, from acts of God like floods and blizzards through vandalism and more, and there need not be an identified perpetrator for you to collect on that claim.

  2. If you have comprehensive, that will cover it (less any deductible you may have chosen)

  3. Yes and no. You have full coverage it may cover the car. It could be consider a act of God.  On the other hand the insurance company can say. Why was the vehicle not moved. I am sure you don't have flood insurance on the car. Whether they will cover it or not. You may even hap to take them to court to get anything out of them. A good insurance company will cover it, if there is full coverage.

  4. For automobile insurance the quick way to get a great quote is do a policy comparison on auto policies. Make sure that you choose similar policies with the same deductibles, auto type, location, etc so that all options are a good comparison.

    What I always recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have big name insurers and can give multiple quotes on auto insurance polices.

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