
Does catnip have an effect on kittens.

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does it???




  1. Usually not, it's when they are older (over six months) that they become interested, from what I have observed.  I've had teen cats literally rip open the packages just to get to the stuff.  Not all cat's and kittens like catnip though, it's up to the individual.

  2. No not really a kitten might not be as interested for being so young

  3. Heaven's yes. It makes them high as a kite just like adult cats. Be careful that you do not turn him into a junkie. If he gets addicted, seem help.

  4. some love it some cant be bothered with it. my cat doesnt care for it. but i no when i have given it to other cats or kittens they go crazy for it. roll around in it, want to eat it. play with it

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