
Does cellulite go away if you lose weight?

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i have a little bit on the outside of my thighs.

i am currently losing weight, so when my legs start to firm up will the cellulite go away?

and i have some stretch marks on the inside of my thigh, will those go away or atleast not be so dark?

is there something i could use to make it go away?




  1. Losing cellulite can be a trying experience to say the least. We see all these products advertised and hear about so many new techniques and fads. It can not only be confusing, but very frustrating as well. Here are a few of the easier tips that are known to help in eliminating cellulite.

  2. No matter how you slice it, diet is a dirty word. It smacks of deprivation and hunger pangs. To overcome the pain, you need a plan.

    So WebMD asked the experts for advice, and put together their quick tips on how to get your weight lossgoing.

    1. Know Your Weight Loss Goals

    2. Understand Your Weight Loss Personality

    3. Double Up: Diet & Exercise

    4. Make a Firm Weight Loss Commitment

    Finally, be sure you're committed to losing weight for yourself -- not because someone else is pressuring you to do so.

    Then, take things slowly, keep these tips in mind, and you should be on the road to weight loss in no time.

    How do i lose fast weight? - Healthy life every day!

    search :

  3. if it doesnt go away with working out or you want it to go away faster they sell over the counter lotion for it its meant for pregnant moms and such (dont ask how i know) but yeah if you dont want to wait for it to go away on its own you should try the lotion

  4. I'm not sure what you could put on it to make it go away, but simply losing weight and toning up won't have an effect on cellulite. Unfortunately, once you have it, it is pretty impossible to get rid of.

  5. Yeah cellulite should go away if you tone up enough. tanning will help a little too. Make sure to strength and/or weight train the muscles though because if you lose weight but don't build muscle the cellulite will look worse.

    Stretch marks, unfortunately, are harder to get rid of because that is actually scar tissue. Try cocoa butter products and routine exfoliation in the area and you can at least reduce the appearance. Again though, a little tan while help to hide them.

    Good luck!  

  6. if you are working on toning your legs, and you only have al ittle cellulite, then yes, it should go away when you lose the fat♥

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