
Does charity make people lazy short term and long term aid conclusion?

by Guest57443  |  earlier

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Does charity make people lazy short term and long term aid conclusion?




  1. I think to lump "charity" into one category like that means that this question is impossible to answer.  Charities work in different ways, providing different services.  For example, the charity that I work for provides a mentoring service.  So whilst the client gets "something for nothing" what we help them to do is buiold their own skills and self confidence so that once the mentoring has finished they can do it for themselves.

    I think your question hints at some of the criticism that has been levelled at aid organisations both at home and overseas.  It can be said that giving handouts doesn't encourage people to take action to make things better for themselves.  Most aid organisations now work in a way that is about community empowerment and sustainability and renewability, so rather than paying for a sack of food, paying for the training, tools and seeds for a community to grow their own food, which gives the people work and role in making things better for their own community.

  2. Some people truly are LAZY, and take advantage of other people. These types of people may learn that it is easy to get what they want if they make other people feel sorry for them. Some people truly do appreciate and need help, these people will normally feel bad about taking from others, and try their best not to. Sometimes good people need help for a long time, because they are in bad situations.

  3. I don't think that is true...but i do think that a civilized society that allows vulnerable people to rely on charity in the 21st century is pathetic in the extreme.

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