
Does cheese go bad? I've heard that it doesn't, but...

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I've had cheese in the refrigerator a couple of months and there is no visible mode, but it tastes funny. I think...I'm not sure if I'm just being paranoid or not. It says it doesn't expire until April of 2009.




  1. Of course cheese goes bad! Just leave it out on your kitchen table for a few days, and you'll see for yourself.  

  2. yes it goes bad but if its in the freezer it shouldn't

  3. The expiration date is more for the sell date than anything else. Meaning the cheese wasn't exposed to the air. It would remain sealed it could be sold until that date on the package. But once it is opened, that is no longer in play and the cheese will go bad. Whomever told you cheese does not go bad, scares me! Of course it goes bad.

    If it doesn't taste right, it's time to pitch it and get new cheese. Maybe a much smaller amount this time. Whatever doesn't taste right, regardless of expire date, should be thrown out.  

  4. A general rule is this: the harder the cheese, the longer it lasts. Cottage cheese only lasts a few weeks and Parmigiana Reggiano can last for months. Once you've opened it, its life is limited so things like shredded mozzarells need to be consumed within like 2 weeks. Block cheeses can last a bit longer but if you're in the habit of leaving it on the counter, its life shortens. If it starts to smell sour (or like sweat socks) it's on its way to spoiling.  

  5. yes, cheese goes bad.  if you look for those black or dark areas that show up on cheese, that's a form of bacteria that also  can be found in - I can't spell penisillan.  Anyway, throw it away.  

  6. Cheese can get mouldy.  You can cut off the bad part and eat the rest if you're ambitious though.  I do that all the time :)

  7. Cheese does go bad.  It can get mold on them.  Either it wasn't sealed properly or it's a false expiration date.  If it does taste funny, maybe you should throw it away.

  8. h**l yeah! Bacteria has to eat too!

  9. First of all, yes, cheese goes bad. I suppose the person who told you this is not true, was referring for example to complete wheels, not cut cheese. For example Parmigiano Reggiano wheels does not have an expiry date, here in Italy. And many cheese I sell do not have it... But we are obliged to indicate a shelf life for selling them abroad... Of course, also wheels after a reasonable time should be thrown away, but it seems like we use to refer to a general common sens, without giving any indication. You know, it's most an Italian and French attitude - we are used to moulds.. Anyway, cheese is not plastic - it is a leaving food, so it is continuously transforming.. Moulds are just a part of thi trnsformation. Some of them can be brushed away, and the cheese can be eaten safely. Some other times, you risk your life eating cheese with bad moulds!!

  10. Yes, it can go bad. It can develop a white mold on it. If is tastes or smells "off", toss it.

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