
Does chewing loudly enhance the flavor of food or something?

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I can't understand the reason for it. I tried it, and I find it uncomfortable, but that's just me. I would ask my co-worker who refuses to stop but that would be considered rude. I guess if I had a few good reasons other than

'I am too lazy to chew with my mouth shut" maybe I wouldn't be so annoyed by it.

I have asked in every way imaginable from, "Hey, could you chew a little more quietly?" To, "OMG what are you eating? I can hear you over three radios and an air conditioner!"

So someone help me understand this, what is the benefit to smacking on food?




  1. Yes, My Mother Makes Noises all the time when she chews gum, and it makes me wanna kill myself. i really hate it when people slp their mouths and move their jaw in a rotating fashion. I have a friend who breathes really heavy when he eats he's like haoooooaaasshshshh. smack. its like their havin a food orgy.

  2. they think it's hard and cool to do it

  3. Its just a habit.

  4. LOL! I do this with gum, especially with trident splash gums. It seems to get the flavour out quickly, so that I don't have to be chewing it long, as I hate chewing gum. Although, i tend to only do it in my car whilst driving someplace, and never with food.

  5. OMG I just love the question!  Enhance the food?? You are just hilarious, but point blank my friend - people who chew with their mouths open when they eat are JUST PLAIN PIGS WITH NO EDUCATION!  Sorry, I simply speak the truth.  Unless its a child, an ADULT must absolutely NOT be eating with their mouths open unless its their culture and they live in their country (not sure which one) but its true!  I believe that there even is a country where when they burp during dinner (eating a meal), it means that the food was very good!  (BARF, VOMIT, YUCK)  My seven year old knows not to smack and eat with her mouth open!  My 2 year old is just adorable, you let it pass with babies!!!  Just let that person know, as I would do, that you prefer she/he eats with their mouth closed, if not, DONT EAT LUNCH WITH THEM! Icky pooooo!  LOL

  6. I guess they think nobody else can hear them.  I can't stand people who make noise when they chew.  It drives me nuts.  It gets so bad that at a restaurant, I loudly asked to be moved to another table because the neandrathal pig at the next table doesn't understand the concept of chewing with his mouth closed.  Yeah, I know...rude...too bad...have some manners people.

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  7. There are two options as I see it.

    First: it is respectful in certain cultures to chew or smack when you eat.  It means the food is very good.

    Second: if you know they're not a part of that culture, then you could safely assume that they haven't been raised properly...or they refused to listen to their parents growing up.

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