
Does chicken make your breast grow??

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just curios cos everione is saing it...




  1. If that was the case my b*****s would be HUGE, since that's what I eat at least once (most times twice) a day and have done so for a long long time.  I don't think eating any special diet is going to make your b*****s grow any bigger.  Having a baby made mine get bigger, but the rest of my body got bigger too :(

  2. In Australia there are no hormones in any of our chicken. I  think that it is an urban myth

  3. Well since I am vegetarian, that must be why mine haven't gone from a D to a DD, thank you Lord, cause they don't need to get bigger!

  4. Yup, and looking at cows make you gain weight. Hope you live on a farm.

  5. No, it doesn't, but there are some exercises that will tone the chest muscles and give the appearance of larger and more toned b*****s. Don't believe everything you hear, or you will be believing that masturbation causes blindness lol.

  6. Wtf?

  7. I've heard that too! They reckon its the hormones in them. Can't say my b***s have grown enormously - perhaps they should be as we eat plenty of chicken! And I can definitely say my husband's haven't at all!

  8. For a lot of women- if it was that easy, i dont think there would be any chickens left.

    And a lot of plastic surgeons wouldnt be quite as rich.

  9. "everione", huh?

    I'd like to meet this person, everione. ......... them slap him for being stupid.

  10. Nope eating plain old Lemon does.  You should try it, the only way it works is if you peel two lemons and just eat them one right after the other, 8x's a day.  Then after a month you eat 6 Jalapenos 8x's a day, seeds and all.  By the end of two months, your breast will have grown 2 full cup sizes.....since you believe "everione" you should believe me!

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