
Does chocolate actually make you feel better?

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Why and how? like wtf.. its confusing.




  1. theres a chemical in the chocolate that once indigested , it releases a happy message to your brain.  

  2. For several years now (more so recently), there have been reports of the health benefits of chocolate. Dark chocolate is said to contain more antioxidants and other beneficial ingredients/ compounds that are said to promote well-being. Of course, if you eat lots of chocolate in one sitting, then the effects on your health aren't as good. Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing.

    I remember reading an article (probably in Prevention magazine) that eating a small portion of dark chocolate every day is a good way to receive the beneficial effects of it, though it will not necessarily always give you a feeling of being "in love". In the article they also warned that milk chocolate (which is more processed and contains more fat and other unhealthful ingredients) isn't as beneficial as dark chocolate is and should be eaten only once in awhile.  

  3. Not if I eat a lot of milk chocolate. Then I feell like barfing.

    But if it's a little dark chocolate I'm like hey this is good.

  4. yes it actually does.. i dont even care why.. but it does..

    and i dont even like plain chocolate but sometimes i need a little bit to make me feel better.. and it works  

  5. Yes it does.

    Like other palatable sweet foods, consumption of chocolate triggers the release of endorphins, the body's endogenous opiates. Enhanced endorphin-release reduces the chocolate-eater's sensitivity to pain. Endorphins probably contribute to the warm inner glow induced in susceptible chocoholics.

  6. the cocoa in chocolate is supposed to release endorphins (happy neurons) in your brain and give you the feeling of 'being in love'. i eat plenty of chocolate and have never felt 'in love' but that's what supposedly happens.

  7. ya

  8. personally, yeah

  9. mmmm, yes, especially dark, dark, oh verrrrry dark chocolate...I recently had a lovely bar of dark chocolate from a German company, it had little bits of good roasted coffee ground up in it! Love buzz ;-)+++

    I must have some NOW...ha ha!

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