
Does cinnamon work for a mosquitorepellant? If I don't have any of the oil, can I just sprinkle it on me?:D

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Okay I realize the cinnamon sprinkling thing is ridiculous, but does anyone have any pointers on where to get some oil? And rosemary oil? I have plenty rosemary plants (big bushes), could I crush those up and make oil myself?




  1. i don't know about your rosemary oil, but if you put listerine in a little spray bottle, it works well for mosquito repellent.

  2. Cinnamon oil (not dried) has been shown to be effective as a repellent against mosquito larvae, but it's not clear if they repel adult mosquitoes.

    You can get cinnamon & rosemary oil at target stores or usually in health food/vitamin stores.

    Google:  how to make rosemary oil for exact takes some work.

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