
Does citi financial allow you to defer loan payments?

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Does citi financial allow you to defer loan payments?




  1. hello

    If you have a good job or repayment plan, you can ask for a loan at your credit union or Prosper. People may help you. More information at and

  2. Do they have a choice?  At the very least they will hit you with huge late payment penalties, jack your interest rate to the ceiling, and report your late payments to the credit bureaus.

    Now, if by some miracle you can get them to agree to restructure the payment schedule and even if you then pay everything on time, there will a note on your credit report that says "PAID- NOT AS AGREED".  I used to work in a mortgage company and this is a negative item and could adversely affect you in the future.

  3. what kind of loan is it? student loan? or something else, if u are up to date on your payments they will usually let u defer one payment a year.. so if u have 36 month loan it will be 37 month and so on

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