
Does citronella keep dogs away from garden beds?

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There are azaleas in the garden bed which are poisonous to dogs and I can't pull them out because I am renting but my puppy wants to eat every leaf and plant in site. Has anybody used something that actually works? Thanks




  1. a FENCE is a wonderful, magical invention.

  2. I have to agree with “Child of God” and “a leash” - I would also add more hands on training and proper supervision. With a puppy there is very little that will work other than proper hands on training. Citronella will not work, for sure. For now, redirect his chewing. When he goes for the shrubs – give him a firm NO! and hand him a chew toy or a ball – he’ll get the picture.

    I had to be very strict with my dog when he was a puppy and often felt bad and was reprimanded by people who did not understand but I am glad I did what I did. Today he is the most well behaved dog in my neighborhood. Although I don’t recommend it, I can walk him off lead and he stays right by my side. He gets along with all dogs and people and most of all – HE LISTENS to what I say – which is always for his own good and the comfort of others (and I end up spending a lot less on vet bills because he has gotten into something he shouldn't have). Don’t misunderstand me – I still let him be a dog but there is a time and place for everything and he does all things dogs do – if and when it is appropriate.

    There are terrific books written by the monks in Upstate New York who breed and raise German shepherd Dogs but their techniques apply to all dogs. They have one book on how to raise a puppy and one or two books written for adult dogs. They are great books and I suggest you look for them either at your local library, bookstore or on-line. You will be very glad you did. The people I know who took my advice have not stopped thanking me.

    Raising a well behaved and well adjusted puppy isn’t easy but the work you put into it, you will get back tenfold, and in ways you can not count or put a price tag on. The habits you instill in him now while he is still young and you may think are cute will become a problem when he is an adult.

    As an aside – I am often asked to bring my dog when I have been invited to other people’s homes even though they have asked everyone else NOT to bring their dogs. They suggest I make up a story, like I forgot or something (they leave the lame excuse up to me) but they do want to have my dog around them and their kids – BECAUSE HE IS PROPERLY TRAINED.

    Best of luck.

  3. bitter apple, deer away, moth bals, red pepper, black pepper, a leash.

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