
Does climate affect your skin?

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hey guys! does climate affect your skin? because when i was in asia my skin was fair (white type) but when i arrived in canada my skin colour changed to yellow brown type, you know like a bit darker than white, and i wanna know why that happened. Is it because of the cold wheather? will i be the the same when i go back to asia? plzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... tell me. Thanks a ton.




  1. It's probably because the time it took for your skin to tan in Asia carried over to you in Canada. So your skin was tanning in Asia, but then it didn't actually show the tan until you were in Canada. It all depends on how much sun you get. The temperature really doesn't affect skin texture it is just the sun.

  2. all i can tell you is that where its colder, your skin dries out faster. it might have something to do with whether or not you were in a city in Asia, the smog or pollutants in the air might have prevented some UV rays from hitting your skin, thus preventing you from getting tanner. In canada if you weren't in a city the air would be clearer. just a thought...

  3. Well it could i suppose it depends because the sun rays might be stronger in Canada then Asia. But no the temperature should not effect it unless it was really cold.

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