
Does coca cola zero help you with your diet?

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does it make you eat more or does it help you with your diet to not eat a lot??




  1. I would avoid ALL pop/soda if you are truly concerned with your diet. In addition to pop being high in calories it contains a little something that is sure to make you gain weight and make you want to drink more and more of it causing an "addictive cycle."

    Read the ingredients--if it contains High Fructose Corn Syrup it will get converted into fat, raise you insulin and make you so hungry you will eat more than what you need.

    HFCS is the reason why people get addicted to cookies, pop, and junk food.  If it's not a plant (fruits/veggies) or something you could hunt (fish/meat) don't eat or drink it!

  2. First of all, it is really the worst thing you can drink... ask any doctor.  Or google all the ingredients and you will have a moment of enlightenment! =)

    Also, it "cheats" your body in a way that makes you replace the sugar you did not really get from the drink by craving more sugars in your food.  Just drink water!

  3. Well, I have heard the immitated sugar only perpetuates and raises your tolerance/need for sugary things. Not any better than Reg coke, not any worse than diet. However, I have learned especially in dieting it is important to allow yourself a few vices in life. I always used to try to quit soda cold turkey while finding alternatives helps, accepting it's okay to enjoy soda now and then is much more valuable I believe. If you deprive yourself you will just end up binging eventually. There is research that people who drink diet/soda/coke zeros and things similar have higher BMIs than those who do not drink it. But one can assume the statistical ties with soda and higher BMI's.

  4. It has no effect on your eating habits. It just has less calories.

  5. maybe

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