
Does coffee allowed for pregnancy?

by  |  earlier

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I suspected i'm pregnant, i've been having morning sickness for 3 days. I used to have a coffee in the morning, it helps me to kick away the headacheness in the morning. My question is if i suspected that i'm pregnant should i continue to drink coffee? would that harm my baby later on? Thank you.




  1. Having coffee is fine. If you can cut it down a bit then great. But if you are used to a cup of coffee a day there is no harm in that.

    You dont want to up your intake but one or even 2 cups of coffee a day are fine.

    I would drink a coffee everyday throughout my pregnancy with my son and he was a perfectly healthy baby.  

  2. When I was pregnant I was told only 1 cup of coffee a day and thats fine I did it and my daughter is great!

  3. A coffee a day isn't a big deal.  The most recent studies say more than 300mg of caffeine a day could be harmful for the baby, but less than that is generally considered safe.  If you feel like you still need the fix, you could always cut the cup to half a cup or drink a Coke instead.  

  4. You do need to reduce your caffeine intake when you're pregnant because it is a stimulant and can affect your little one's heart rate as well as other effects that aren't fully understood at this point.

    Keeping your caffeine intake to 1 to 2 regular sized caffeinated drinks a day should be fine, so one to two cups of coffee or one to two cans of soda or one to two glasses of tea.  You can always switch to decaff which still has caffeine, but significantly less than regular. :)

  5. When I was pregnant I was told by my doctor that I could have two drinks containing caffeine a day. I believe it's like that for anybody as long as they aren't having a rough pregnancy. I had a coffee in the morning and a Pepsi in the afternoon. I delivered a healthy baby girl.

  6. Coffee is not recommended for preg maybe switch to decaf? The caffeine is not good for the baby but if you have still drank it when you didn't know or even suspect you were preg it it nothing to worry about. Most doctors will tell you that having even a heavy night of drinking before you knew you were preg. more than likely won't hurt (but no one should EVER drink while preg.) but your doctor will more than likely recommend cutting out the caffine.

  7. caffiene is supposted to be reduced in the doctor told me one cup of coffee in the morning wouldnt hurt anything..and it didnt.

    you have to intake alot for it to actually effect your baby.

    if you do want to reduce the caffiene but still want you coffee...just make it a little weaker than would still be enough o get rid of your headaches and still give you the mind ease you need

    hope this helps...congrats!

  8. Doctors will tell you that 1 cup of coffee a day is fine just no more than that,and if you can try to switch to decaf until the baby is born.That is what I drink and I drink a small cup in the morning to get motivated. Its just like soda.If you have to have it narrow it down to 1 can a day. It won't hurt anything if you have it in small doses. Just don't go hog wild and drink a WHOLE pot of coffee in one day

  9. I would say drink less caffeinated coffee. I have three beautiful and healthy children and I loved coffee when I was Pregnant. lol Like with anything always use in moderation. I had to think of it like this.

    would I give my 1 yr old a can of soda-hello no

    would I give my 1 yr old a cup of coffee-h**l no

    would I give my 1 yr old an alcoholic beverage-h**l no.

    If you would not give this to a baby than don't drink any of it when your Pregnant. But as far as coffee goes try to drink decaf or switch your drink of choice for a little while!!

    I hope this helps you hun!

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