
Does cold temperature have any correlation with getting or worsening a cold?

by Guest65686  |  earlier

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I know that colds are caused by viruses, but some people still insist that going out in the cold rain (for example) can cause you to get sick. Is there any sort of correlation with cold temperature and getting a cold? For example, do cold viruses live longer in a colder environment, or do is the immune system weaker in cold weather, etc...

One thing that is interesting is that the illness itself is called a "cold", so originally that must have been what people thought caused it.




  1. the cold temperatures lower the immune systems ability to fight the viruses and also mean runny noses and such thus spreading the virus around more. this is also the time of year most viruses start to spread from asia ( where a lot of them come from )  

  2. I think, and I stress think, that viruses travel faster through a cold environment.

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