
Does concerta work for your adhd child?

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And if so what differences do you see?




  1. my daughter who 8 and my son who 11 both take concerta for there adhd. yes it works they are clamer when they take it and more focus.  my 11 year old also has nicer writting when he takes it and they get better grades in school.  the down side is when the meds are done for the day they get  a bit more hyper then they do with out.

  2. My son uses Concerta.  We tried Straterra and Adderal, they helped with the ADHD, but had huge side effects that became to hard to deal with.  When starting these meds, there is always a rough patch for about 10 days before you can see the effects if they work or not.  Concerta was the best for my son, but Straterra works the best for my nephew.

  3. My son is night and day with and without meds.the conerta works wonders for us.His teacher is amazed at how much his attention and quality of his work has improved.We have sent him to school a few times without it and she noticed right away and send me a note reminding me to get his pills LOL.The down side to concerta( and alot of adhd meds) is the fact that at night it takes him a long time to wind down.Some nights he is awake until midnight!We also had problems with MAJOR moodswings when he first started it. Even now if he goes without it for a day the next day when he gets home from schoo he "crashes" and everything makes him cry.So it is best to make sure  you keep an eye on these signs as they can lead to depression and other problem.

  4. My son whom is almost fourteen was on Concerta for about a couple years.  It did not do much for him.  His hyperness and attention span did not improve.  They raised him all the way up to seventy two milligrams and that did not even work.  The only thing that made a difference with him was Daytrana.  It is a new patch for ADHD.  But, my son only got to use it for one month, and then it got recalled.  He never got a chance to go back on it.  His psych nurse decided that the ADHD meds were not working for him.  She put him on different ones instead.  He was on Adderall and that did nothing either.

  5. My sister has a eight year old son who is taking it.  She says the difference is astounding.  He rarely gets in trouble, has shot to the top of his class, and is writing a book!  She claims he does not have a negative side effects.

  6. Every child is different and will react differently to different meds. My son tried Concerta first. It didn't really help him. We switched to Metadate and is doing much better. More focused, acts his age, etc. But it can take a long time to find the right ADHD medication and correct dosage. Be patient and good luck!

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