
Does congress deserve a 5 week paid holiday?

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Does congress deserve a 5 week paid holiday?




  1. Of course, so does the rest of the nation, but we seem to think that this would be socialism.

    Treat your employees well and they'll do the work for you.

  2. One simple word....NO, you would think with the way the media has hyped everyone down on our economy, they would be there trying to do more about the problem of acquiring America's nature resources.  

  3. no, the public should be outraged....everybody should write thier elected officials and make demands....

    they are supposed to work for the public, and I don't know one person who think they deserve a out of touch are they, really?

    kinda scary....

  4. They are all sucessful,they shouldn't be paid a dime.

  5. No; for the job they've done they barely deserve pay. If they get five weeks off paid I want it too.

  6. I wish they would take a 20 week holiday.  Just think of all the damage they cannot do to us during that 5 weeks they are away.

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