
Does constant exposure to negative information corrupt our morality and make us prone to evil acts?

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i think it is because it we all live in the same room, wear the same clothes, watch the same programs, get the same weird dreams, like the same kinds of music, have the same list of scummy politicians to vote for, eat the same food, date the same people, read the same newspapers, prefer the same type of assault weaponry, use the same brand of toothpaste, worship the same gods, smoke the same type of cigarettes, drive the same car, have the same thoughts...isn't the list endless




  1. The real question here would be are you strong enough in your convictions to know the difference between right and wrong?

    You control your own perceptions. It is a choice to allow negative things to control you.

    It only takes 28 days to change a bad behavior into a good habit, the choice is yours!

    If you choose God, and you change your mind the devil will always take you back.

  2. You don't live in my room...

    Actually, we have more diversity in culture than ever before, and more people are getting involved in a debate over legislation (which was once restricted to males of a few classes) - it depends how long ago you're comparing too, of course. We are more cynical and more apathetic than in the sixties, true.

    And, frankly, your list of "sameness" isn't even true. At least, not in most places - if you are not even aware of the different political leanings of newspapers, variations in culture and *religion* (I mean, come on...) you need to get out more.

    We do have more immoral behavour nowadays. However, there's also more moral behavoir;  charities, aid etc is at a high, pretty much. Amnesty international. Incessant and inappropriate negativity is not helpful.

  3. If all that is true of you, you undoubtedly have the most unusual existence on the planet.

    Actually, the more-favored among us seem to be the ones that are more prone to evil acts.  It's like they believe that no harm can come their way and that rules (legal or moral) don't apply to them.

  4. Consider the source: Negative

    Negativity is: Denial. Apathy. Nihilism. Anger. Cruelty. Lies. Dishonesty. Lust (for Power - Money - Flesh) and most of all lack of Love.

    We absorb, just as in the way our body absorbes foods healthy properties (temporarily the bad ones too), we do the same with all that is consumed by our inner selves through outer expression of positive / negative. Wether by people, art or media.

    As I said, consider the source and its outcome.

    "The fruit doesn't drop far from the tree" and "By their fruits you will know them".


    May God bless you.

  5. We are all born heathens, only the laws of society keep most of us in line.

  6. It's not so much the CONTENT of media that's important.  It's that people have allowed the media -- especially TV -- to live their lives for them.   People now cry as soon as they see a TV camera -- it's like Pavlov's dog.  They're so conditioned to seeing the drama (read "meaning"), their own lives lack.

  7. Being constantly exposed to negative things such as games, videos's and the news may cause you to become desensitized to the violence and corruption in the world around us.  The resulting acceptance and complacency may result in you lowering your standards and accepting acts of deceit, corruption or violence in your own life.  If you accept that stealing is not such a bad thing because everyones doing it, then you are much more likely to steal.  

  8. Maybe, but an act of random kindness could also turn a person's life around.

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